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Cobra Pepper Spray

Cobra Pepper Spray
  • MAGNUM - "DRAW & FIRE " CONCEPT- Fastest selling model, with a ‘Safe Mode” Step lock mechanism for easy & safe carrying (First of its kind in India).
  • A easy to use “Turn On” and “Turn Off” “STEP LOCK” mechanism, to ensure safety against accidental discharge and instant activation when required , comes with a Belt/bag clip for easy access and carrying convenience.
  • Awesome strength to put down any assailant for 30 – 45 mints, Effective range up to 8ft , Emits a high flow Spray like a FIRE EXTINGUISHER, ½ -1 second burst on the face of assailant is all that is required.
  • Enough to handle a small mob of 10 – 12 people (approx).
  • Causes burning and severe irritation in the Eyes, the mucus membranes and the facial tissues of the assailants, rendering them completely inactivated and immobilized, CAUSES NO KNOWN PERMANENT DAMAGE OR SCARS. Effects are Temporary and wear off in 2-3 Hours.
  • IDEAL FOR soft targets like : Working Women/Housewives/Girls, Senior Citizen, Businessmen/Shopkeepers, Jewelers & Petrol pump ,Cashiers/Bank Security/ATM Guards/Cash Transits, Highway Motorist, Neighborhood watch Teams, Air Marshals & Law Enforcement agencies, Zoo Keepers/national park security Personnel/Trekkers/Hikers, Also useful against charging animals etc
Catalogue No LSPS-SD-PS


Cobra Pepper Spray
  • MAGNUM - "DRAW & FIRE " CONCEPT- Fastest selling model, with a ‘Safe Mode” Step lock mechanism for easy & safe carrying (First of its kind in India).
  • A easy to use “Turn On” and “Turn Off” “STEP LOCK” mechanism, to ensure safety against accidental discharge and instant activation when required , comes with a Belt/bag clip for easy access and carrying convenience.
  • Awesome strength to put down any assailant for 30 – 45 mints, Effective range up to 8ft , Emits a high flow Spray like a FIRE EXTINGUISHER, ½ -1 second burst on the face of assailant is all that is required.
  • Enough to handle a small mob of 10 – 12 people (approx).
  • Causes burning and severe irritation in the Eyes, the mucus membranes and the facial tissues of the assailants, rendering them completely inactivated and immobilized, CAUSES NO KNOWN PERMANENT DAMAGE OR SCARS. Effects are Temporary and wear off in 2-3 Hours.
  • IDEAL FOR soft targets like : Working Women/Housewives/Girls, Senior Citizen, Businessmen/Shopkeepers, Jewelers & Petrol pump ,Cashiers/Bank Security/ATM Guards/Cash Transits, Highway Motorist, Neighborhood watch Teams, Air Marshals & Law Enforcement agencies, Zoo Keepers/national park security Personnel/Trekkers/Hikers, Also useful against charging animals etc
Catalogue No LSPS-SD-PS
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