Physical properties
Minerals Cleavage Collection (Set of 10)
10 Minerals having Property of Basal, Cubic, Octahedral, Pinicoidal, Rhombohedral & Prismatic Cleavage.
Minerals Luster Collection (Set of 10)
10 Minerals having Property of Metallic, Adamantine, Viteous, Resinous, Greasy, Pearly, Shining
Minerals Tenacity Collection (Set of 10)
10 Minerals having Property of Brittleness, Sectile, Malleablility, Flexiblility, Elastic, Softness
Minerals Colour Collection (Set of 10)
10 Minerals having Property of Green, Golden Yellow, Yellow, White, Red, Blue, Black, Grey
Minerals Feel Property Collection (Set of 10)
10 Minerals having Thin, Greasy, Fiberous, Heavy, Smooth, Greasy, Rough, Oily, Sandy
Minerals Odor/Taste Collection (Set of 10)
10 Minerals having Unusal, Sulfurous, Ironic, Lime, Earthy Clay, React with Acid,
Minerals Crystal Collection (Set of 15)
15 Minerals having Isometric, Tetragonal, Orthorhombic, Hexagonal, Monoclinic & Triclinic Crystal Systems.