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V- Wire Water Well Screen

V- Wire Water Well Screen
Product Description:
Water Well Screen is continuous slot screen with horizontally oriented slots. The screens are Manufactured with ‘V’ shaped wire that is spirally wound around an internal cage of longitudinal support rods. The contact point of rods and vertex of the ‘V’ wire is (Electric Resistance welded) fusion welded with highest precision to provide high strength to the joint. The spacing between two adjacent turns of ‘v’ wire provides desired slot width. The entire process of Fabrication is computerized to achieve high order of precision and accuracy in the Final Product. 
Ordering Information:
Catalogue No AWFS101


V- Wire Water Well Screen
Product Description:
Water Well Screen is continuous slot screen with horizontally oriented slots. The screens are Manufactured with ‘V’ shaped wire that is spirally wound around an internal cage of longitudinal support rods. The contact point of rods and vertex of the ‘V’ wire is (Electric Resistance welded) fusion welded with highest precision to provide high strength to the joint. The spacing between two adjacent turns of ‘v’ wire provides desired slot width. The entire process of Fabrication is computerized to achieve high order of precision and accuracy in the Final Product. 
Ordering Information:
Catalogue No AWFS101
Additional Information

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Code No

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