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Adult Male Pelvis

Adult Male Pelvis
The size of this model is just the same as the realities and made of PVC plastic.
It shows the following:
Product Name  Adult Male Pelvis
Product No  JXC-123
Material  PVC
Pelvis shapes  Long and narrow
Pelvis cava  Like a funnel
Aperture pelvis superior  Heart-like
Sacrum  Long and narrow with great flexibility
Angles of pelvis arch 70-75 degree
Symphysis pubica  Long and narrow
Packing 10pcs/carton,82x44x33cm,13kgs


Adult Male Pelvis
The size of this model is just the same as the realities and made of PVC plastic.
It shows the following:
Product Name  Adult Male Pelvis
Product No  JXC-123
Material  PVC
Pelvis shapes  Long and narrow
Pelvis cava  Like a funnel
Aperture pelvis superior  Heart-like
Sacrum  Long and narrow with great flexibility
Angles of pelvis arch 70-75 degree
Symphysis pubica  Long and narrow
Packing 10pcs/carton,82x44x33cm,13kgs
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Code No

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