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Abel Flash Point Apparatus

Abel Flash Point Apparatus
As per 1P 33, 170  IS 1448 ( P-20)
Used for determination of closed cup flash point of petroleum products and mixtures (Usually solvents and light fractions of petroleum having flash points below 490C ( 1200F). The apparatus consists of one brass cup cover fitted with shutter mechanism test flame arrangement and stirrer placed on water bath made of copper. The outer jacket of the water bath is fitted with a stand of 3 iron legs. For electrically heated apparatus a 500 wt heater is fitted the stand the heat of which may controlled by an energy regulator. For gas heated model the drum is heated by ring burner. A spirit lamp may also be used instead of the ring burner.
(1 ) Spare cup for above.
(2) Lid with gas or oil test jet.
(3)Thermometers as per IP Specification. Abel water bath thermometer, Abel oil cup thermometer.
(4 ) spare heating element with or without casing
Ordering Information:
Catalogue No LSPI-110


Abel Flash Point Apparatus
As per 1P 33, 170  IS 1448 ( P-20)
Used for determination of closed cup flash point of petroleum products and mixtures (Usually solvents and light fractions of petroleum having flash points below 490C ( 1200F). The apparatus consists of one brass cup cover fitted with shutter mechanism test flame arrangement and stirrer placed on water bath made of copper. The outer jacket of the water bath is fitted with a stand of 3 iron legs. For electrically heated apparatus a 500 wt heater is fitted the stand the heat of which may controlled by an energy regulator. For gas heated model the drum is heated by ring burner. A spirit lamp may also be used instead of the ring burner.
(1 ) Spare cup for above.
(2) Lid with gas or oil test jet.
(3)Thermometers as per IP Specification. Abel water bath thermometer, Abel oil cup thermometer.
(4 ) spare heating element with or without casing
Ordering Information:
Catalogue No LSPI-110
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