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Ohm’s Law


Ohm’s Law

To demonstrate Ohms Law. Consisting of a wooden enclosure with milliammeter, voltmeter, rheostat, push key and terminal posts. Requires an external battery (not supplied) and a suitable resistance (not supplied). Resistance can be calculated using Ohm’s Law by noting current and voltage. A rheostat is provided to control current flow. Circuit diagram is provided on the panel. With instructions.

Ordering Information:

Cat. No. Description
LPH-50670 Ohm’s Law




Ohm’s Law

To demonstrate Ohms Law. Consisting of a wooden enclosure with milliammeter, voltmeter, rheostat, push key and terminal posts. Requires an external battery (not supplied) and a suitable resistance (not supplied). Resistance can be calculated using Ohm’s Law by noting current and voltage. A rheostat is provided to control current flow. Circuit diagram is provided on the panel. With instructions.

Ordering Information:

Cat. No. Description
LPH-50670 Ohm’s Law


Additional Information

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