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Microslide Projector


Microslide Projector (Triple Purpose) LSRP-55 

  • It is compact in size, light in weight and easy to carry around. Self contained portable triple purpose micro slide projector for horizontal projection of permanently mounted specimens on wall, screen . The micro slide projector can be kept vertically also on the table surface for making drawings and for projection of living specimens in liquid on the wall screen. Equipped with a special 6 volts 20 watts Halogen bulb. Specimen stage 4" x 4" and an imported objective system for better resolution and brilliant projection. Supplied complete in cardboard box with vinyl cover, duster, variable transformer, spare bulb and instruction manual.
Catalogue No LSRP-55


Microslide Projector (Triple Purpose) LSRP-55 

  • It is compact in size, light in weight and easy to carry around. Self contained portable triple purpose micro slide projector for horizontal projection of permanently mounted specimens on wall, screen . The micro slide projector can be kept vertically also on the table surface for making drawings and for projection of living specimens in liquid on the wall screen. Equipped with a special 6 volts 20 watts Halogen bulb. Specimen stage 4" x 4" and an imported objective system for better resolution and brilliant projection. Supplied complete in cardboard box with vinyl cover, duster, variable transformer, spare bulb and instruction manual.
Catalogue No LSRP-55
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