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Gynaecology (Elbow Length) Latex Surgical Gloves Sterile Powderfree

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Gynaecology (Elbow Length) Latex Surgical Gloves Sterile Powderfree

Gynaecology (Elbow Length) Latex Surgical Gloves Sterile Powderfree
Powder-free gloves are suggested for surgical application as the powder on gloves can enter patient’s body during surgery, which may trigger an inflammatory response by the immune system, leading to the formation of fibrous bands and post-operative adhesions.
Special Features
  • Elbow length gloves help doctors avoid direct contact with blood and mucous membranes that occurs in 25% of vaginal deliveries and 35% of caesarean section
  • These gloves also protect doctors from significant blood and amniotic fluid contamination
  • We suggest use of powder-free gloves as the powder on gloves can enter patient’s body during surgery, which may trigger an inflammatory response by the immune system, leading to the formation of fibrous bands and post-operative adhesions.
  • Useful in pharmaceutical factories in plant & packaging
Product Information
Catalogue No MBLGLV10
Material Natural Rubber Latex
Colour Creamy White
Design Hand Specific, Beaded Cuff, Micro rough textured
Powder content 2 mg / dm2
Extractable Protein Level <50 micro gram/ dm2
Sterilization Ethylene Oxide / Gamma irradiated as per customer
Labelling Shall comply with the corresponding labeling specification and customer requirement.
Shelf Life 3 years from the date of manufacture.
Storage condition Shall be stored in cool dry place and away from direct light.


Gynaecology (Elbow Length) Latex Surgical Gloves Sterile Powderfree
Powder-free gloves are suggested for surgical application as the powder on gloves can enter patient’s body during surgery, which may trigger an inflammatory response by the immune system, leading to the formation of fibrous bands and post-operative adhesions.
Special Features
  • Elbow length gloves help doctors avoid direct contact with blood and mucous membranes that occurs in 25% of vaginal deliveries and 35% of caesarean section
  • These gloves also protect doctors from significant blood and amniotic fluid contamination
  • We suggest use of powder-free gloves as the powder on gloves can enter patient’s body during surgery, which may trigger an inflammatory response by the immune system, leading to the formation of fibrous bands and post-operative adhesions.
  • Useful in pharmaceutical factories in plant & packaging
Product Information
Catalogue No MBLGLV10
Material Natural Rubber Latex
Colour Creamy White
Design Hand Specific, Beaded Cuff, Micro rough textured
Powder content 2 mg / dm2
Extractable Protein Level <50 micro gram/ dm2
Sterilization Ethylene Oxide / Gamma irradiated as per customer
Labelling Shall comply with the corresponding labeling specification and customer requirement.
Shelf Life 3 years from the date of manufacture.
Storage condition Shall be stored in cool dry place and away from direct light.
Additional Information

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