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Paraffin Wax Bath

Paraffin Wax Bath
Paraffin Wax Bath uses Paraffin Wax for therapy, which is one of the most convenient, reasonable efficient methods of applying conducted heat to the extremities. Paraffin wax of low melting point (55 Degree Celsius) is used. In order to keep the wax liquid at the lower temperature, and to prevent burns, liquid paraffin mineral oil is added to the melted wax. The paraffin wax then remains melted at a temperature of 40 to 44 degree Celsius. The low thermal conductivity of wax prevents the patient’s feeling as hot as in water of the same temperature. The wax is self-insulating.
Uses of Paraffin Wax Bath
  • Pain and Muscle Spasm: Wax reduces the pain and muscle spasm seen in hands and feet as the moist heat encircles each finger and toe, and relieve pain.
  • Oedema and Inflammation: The gentle heat reduces posttraumatic swelling of the hands and feet and also swelling in hands affected by rheumatoid arthritis or degenerative joint disease, particularly in the sub-acute and early chronic stages of inflammation.
  • Adhesions and Scars: Wax soften the adhesions and scars in the skin and thus facilitates the mobilization and stretching procedures.
Catalogue No JM015


Paraffin Wax Bath
Paraffin Wax Bath uses Paraffin Wax for therapy, which is one of the most convenient, reasonable efficient methods of applying conducted heat to the extremities. Paraffin wax of low melting point (55 Degree Celsius) is used. In order to keep the wax liquid at the lower temperature, and to prevent burns, liquid paraffin mineral oil is added to the melted wax. The paraffin wax then remains melted at a temperature of 40 to 44 degree Celsius. The low thermal conductivity of wax prevents the patient’s feeling as hot as in water of the same temperature. The wax is self-insulating.
Uses of Paraffin Wax Bath
  • Pain and Muscle Spasm: Wax reduces the pain and muscle spasm seen in hands and feet as the moist heat encircles each finger and toe, and relieve pain.
  • Oedema and Inflammation: The gentle heat reduces posttraumatic swelling of the hands and feet and also swelling in hands affected by rheumatoid arthritis or degenerative joint disease, particularly in the sub-acute and early chronic stages of inflammation.
  • Adhesions and Scars: Wax soften the adhesions and scars in the skin and thus facilitates the mobilization and stretching procedures.
Catalogue No JM015
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