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Titanium mesh system

Titanium mesh system
Screw System Matched Drill Bit Pin Emergency Screw  Titanium Mesh Indication
1.0mm 0.8mm Option Thickness: 0.1 mmThickness: 0.2 mm Applicable for fixation and coating of orbit fracture
1.5mm 1.2mm 1.9mm Thickness: 0.4 mm Applicable for comminuted fracture, multiplefracture of upper-face and middle-face, alsoincluding reconstruction and coating after bone graft
2.0mm 1.7mm 2.3mm Thickness: 0.6 mmThickness: 0.8 mm Fixation and coating during the bone graft of mandible defect. 
Extra Thin Cranial Base and Orbita Floor Plate
Application suggestion: Thickness of 0.1 mm and 0.2mm Extra thin skull & Orbital plates are applied to repair and
construction of skull of orbital floor and fixation and coating of orbita fracture.
Titanium Mesh for Repair of Maxillary
Application Suggestion: Thickness 0.4mm of titanium mesh is applicable for comminuted fracture, multiple fracture of
upper-face and middle -face, also including reconstruction and coating after bone graft; Thickness 0.6mm and 0.8mm of
titanium mesh is applicable for fixation and coating after reconstruction of bone graft of mandible defect.
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