Centrifugal Force Apparatus
Technical Specifications:
- CENTRIFUGAL FORCE APPARATUS: Size: 16 x 16 x 45 cm
- Mounted on base.
- An experimental insight into centrifugal forces and the flattening of the “Earth’s poles”.
- Motor for Centrifugal Force Apparatus
- Stackable plug lead, length 50 cm, red
- Stackable plug lead, length 50 cm, black
- Bench Clamp (2x)
- Rolling wire suspension
- Centrifugal force rotator
- “Earth’s poles flattering” demonstrator
- Support Rod, rounded ends, length 500mm (2x)
- Support Rod, rounded ends, length 350mm
- Metal Bosshead with knobs (3x)
- Reel of nylon filament. LAWS & PRINCIPLES INVESTIGATED :
- Centrifugal and centripetal force
- Model of Earth’s pole flattering.
Ordering Information:
Catalogue No.: JPH-CFA-1005