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Travelling Microscope

Travelling Microscope 
The bed is of a heavy casting, thoroughly aged and machined, is fitted with leveling screws. On the dovetailed guide ways slide the carriage which can be clamped at any position by means of a thumbscrew. A sliding carriage slides along a gunmetal Vertical pillar fitted on the horizontal carriage. The slow motion guide bars are made of sturdy material and the motion is very smooth.
Microscope Tube
Inclinable in any angle. True vertical and horizontal positions marked focussing. 
Guide Ways
The guide ways over which slides the carriage is made of gunmetal and this makes the instrument Rust Proof, because this is the part which is directly exposed to the weather.
Scales and Verniers
Made of lifetime Stainless Steel. 
True achromatic objective with 7.5 cm. focussing distance from object; 10X Ramsden Eyepiece with fine cross wire is provided.
20 cm. Horizontally, 15 cm. Vertically and 6 cm. Lateral 
Least Count
Horizontal scale : 0.001 cm.

Lateral Scale : 0.001 cm.
Vertical scale : 0.001 cm.
Model LSTVM-03

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