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Redwood Viscometer

Redwood Viscometer
Used for determination of viscosity or all oils the viscosity of which at the temperature of test does not exceed 2000 seconds.
The apparatus consists of a heavily silver plated brass oil cup with a precision stainless steel jet assembled in a copper bath fitted with heater and drain cock. The bath stirrer is fitted with a thermometer collar and stirring knob. Bath and stirrer are chromium plated and mounted in an iron stand painted with hammer-tone grey colour. A silver plated ball valve, spirit level. cup cover and chromium plated thermometer clip are provided . Temperature of the bath may be controlled either by an energy regulator or voltage barrier.
Same as above Only  the  heater and control is replaced by a side tube which can be heated by a bunsen burner.
Spares :
1) Teak Wood Case,
2) Energy Regulator,
3) Voltage Barrier,
4) N.T.H. Certificate at extra cost,
5) Thermometers lP 8C, 9C ,10C ,
6) Spare Heater,
7) Spare Ball Valve
8) Spare Cup Top,
9) Spare Receiving Flask (50cc),
10) Spare Thermometer Clip,
11) Spare Cup with Ball Valve.
Ordering Information:
Catalogue No LSPI-101

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