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Kinematic Viscometer Bath

Kinematic Viscometer Bath
IP 71, ISI148 (P-25) 1976
Used to maintain the correct constant temperature for estimating kinematic viscosity
Rectangular Bath
The bath is a rectangular jar 18”x12”x10 deep housed in a sheet metal case and is provided with 2 heaters the total wattage of which is 1500 watts. Temperature range will be from to 1500C. The temperature of the bath will be controlled by digital temperature controlled & SSR (depending upon availability). Stirring is done by a motorized stirrer. Accuracy +-0.10C.
Round Bath
The bath is of depth 12” and diameter 12” is provided with two heaters the total wattage of which is 1500 watts. Temperature range will ne from room temperature 10 1500C. The bath will be  controlled by digital temperature controller & SSR. The jar is placed on a sheet metal base. Stirring is done by a motorized stirrer. Accuracy +-0.10C.
Ordering Information:
Catalogue No LSPI-105

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