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Wound Care Manikin (Male)


Wound Care Manikin (Male)


  1. Full-body lifelike male manikin.
  2. Specifically designed for professional nursing training.
  3. High quality manikin provides wide range of exercises possible including both first aid and emergency situations.


  • Head care: hair washing, face washing
  • Irrigation of the eyes and ears
  • Oral cavity care
  • Oral cavity and nasal cavity intubation
  • Oxygen inhalation
  • Oral and nasal feeding
  • Lavage
  • Organs structure of thorax
  • Veinpuncture and injection, transfusion,
  • Deltoid injection
  • Puncture of thorax, abdominal cavity, liver medulla and lumbar
  • Enema
  • Urethral Catheterization for male and female
  • Irrigation of bladder for male and female
  • Ostomy Irrigation
  • Gluteus injection
  • Organs structure of abdominal cavity
  • General care, bed bathes, dressing and undressing
  • Wound care: disinfection, dressing change, binding, hemostasia
  • Trauma parts
  1. The suturing care for the wound on the abdomen
  2. The suturing care for the wound on the thigh
  3. The care for the bruise of the skin of the thigh
  4. The care for the infectious ulceration
  5. The care for the foot gangrene
  6. Wound of forearm amputation
  7. Wound of calf amputation

Ordering Information:

Catalogue No. Description
LS-GD/H120A Wound Care Manikin (Male)

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