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Advanced Full Functional Neonatal Nursing & CPR manikin

Advanced Full Functional Neonatal Nursing & CPR manikin


Advanced Full Functional Neonatal Nursing & CPR manikin

The product is designed according to the standard size of new born baby, which allows neonatal nursing operation and  CPR and Airway management Training.

  • Basic nursing operating : bathing change/wear clothes, cold and heat therapy, washing face, oral cavity nursing, ear irrigation, umbilical care;
  • Venous puncture/infusion : venae temporalis superficilials,right arm vein, etc ;
  • Airway management: Realistic oral, nose, tongue, gums,pharynx, Larynx, esophagus, epiglottis, trachea ; oral and nasal tracheal intubation ; sputum suction, oxygen inhalation ;
  • CPR : multiple ventilation ways such as mouth to mouth, bag respirator to mouth; compression and inflation frequency prompts; judge whether the inflation volume and compression depth is right or not ; compression and inflation training can be carried out at the same time or can be undertaken separately.

Ordering Information:

Catalogue No. Description
LS-GD/FT335 Advanced Full Functional Neonatal Nursing &CPR manikin

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