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Latex Surgical Gloves Sterile Powdered Beadless

Latex Surgical Gloves Sterile Powdered Beadless

Latex Surgical Gloves Sterile Powdered Beadless
Ultra beadless gloves provide ultimate safety, sensitivity and comfort. Beadless Golves are packed in peel open pouch for easy peelability and to ensure sterile presentation of inner wallet; they are packed in special Kangaroo wrap. These beadless gloves are packed with controlled powder levels to minimize field contamination.
Special Features
  • Bead-less cuff for improved gown grip and to prevent roll down
  • Micro rough surface for better instrument grip during operation
  • Reinforced cuff area to prevent tearing while donning gloves
  • Enhanced comfort and flexibility
  • Optimum moisture content: cuts down risk of electro-surgery shocks
  • Packed in special Kangaroo wrap
  • Packed in peel-open pouch for easy peelability
Product Information
Catalogue No MBLGLV07
Material Natural Rubber Latex
Colour Creamy White
Design Hand Specific, Beaded Cuff, Micro rough textured
Powder content < 15 mg / dm2
Extractable Protein Level < 200 micro gram/ dm2
Sterilization Ethylene Oxide / Gamma irradiated as per customer requirement
Labelling Shall comply with the corresponding labeling specification and customer requirement.
Shelf Life 5 years from the date of manufacture.
Storage condition Shall be stored in cool dry place and away from direct light.

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