Tissue Cuulture Hood / Innoculation Chamber -170
Tissue Cuulture Hood / Innoculation Chamber -170
Application & Key Feature
Innoculation Chamber are most suitable for circulation free environment to eliminate cross contamination in sterile techniques involving culture growth, tissue staining and virus harvestings.
The convenient working height of table top and ample working space provides working ease for uses while media preparation.
Working table top made out of thick stainless steel sheet(SS-304 grade).
The front door is made of thick transparent plexiglass and has arrangement for keeping the door open if desired.
All units are fitted with one U.V. germicidal light and one fluorescent light for daylight vision.
Ordering Information:
Cat. No.
External Dimensions
Glove Ports & Gauntlets
900 x 600 mm
Without Glove Ports
900 x 600 mm
With Glove Ports
Cat. No.
Heavy Duty Tubular Stand of M.S Pipe duly powder coated for
mounting the chamber, where table/bench mounting space is not available
Exhaust ducting per feet..