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Tissue Culture Microscope Trinocular

Tissue Culture Microscope Trinocular


Tissue Culture Microscope Trinocular

Inverted tissue culture microscope with quadruple revolving nosepiece, equipped with Trinocular head assembled from coated prisms and best quality optical components having full prismatic optical path, large co-axial mechanical optical path, large co-axial mechanical stage. Coarse and graduated slow motion knobs, variable intensity controlled built in base solid-state transformer, fitted with 6V 20 watt halogen bulb and illumination based on keohler’s system. Supplied with the following imported optical combination in storing cabinet.

Ach. Objectives; 5X, 10X LWD 20x & LWD 40X

Eyepieces: WF10X (paired) & P 7X_

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Tissue Culture Microscope Trinocular


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