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Gradual Screens

Gradual Screens

Gradual Screens are sourced from Germany to provide a better solution for large object ranges.
We have specially designed cassettes for full leg, full spine, lumbar spine (lateral), and thoracic spine (lateral). Specially designed for each of these applications, our screens take into account the variations of the human anatomy and positioning within an application. The speed of our gradual screens changes such that a high contrast film can be used.
Application Common Sizes Exposure Technique Used Grids
KV FFD Ratio lp/cm FFD
Full Leg 30 x 120 cm
14 x 51 in
70–85 > 180 cm 8 40 180 cm–PAR
Full Spine 30 x 90 cm
14 x 36 in
80–90 > 180 cm 8 40 180 cm–PAR
Lumbar Spine (Lateral) 18 x 43 cm
20 x 40 cm
80–90 115–150 cm 6–10 30–50 115–150 cm
Thoracic Spine (Lateral) 18 x 43 cm
20 x 40 cm
70–85 115–150 cm 6–10 30–50 115–150 cm
Size Chart
SIZE (cm) Size (inches)
35x43 14x17
18x43 7x17
15x30 6x12
15x40 6x15
30x30 12x12
30x35 11x14
24x24 9.5x9.5
30x90 14x36
30x120 14x51
Ordering Details:
Catalogue No Description
MGS-4300 Gradual Screens

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